PPB has a clear structure for governance and daily management, providing a chain of authority and responsibility for policy implementation.
The Board is ultimately responsible for ensuring the effective implementation of this Corporate Disclosure Policy and that the disclosure requirements set out herein are duly fulfilled.
Primary Spokespersons may communicate with audience constituents, provide information, data and analysis and respond to questions concerning aspects of the PPB Group’s operations and financial condition, future prospects and strategies. They may also discuss matters relating to PPB Group’s governance and management, as well as its products and services, and other initiatives connected with the PPB Group’s operations.
Secondary Spokespersons may only communicate with audience constituents in connection with their specific areas of responsibility within PPB Group, unless authorized to undertake broader communications by a Primary Spokesperson.
No other individuals may act as spokespersons for PPB Group other than the authorised spokespersons comprising Primary and Secondary Spokespersons.
* Note :
‘Principal Business’ refers to PPB Group’s main business segments namely, Grains and Agribusiness; Consumer Products; Film Exhibition and Distribution; Environmental Engineering and Utilities; and Properties.
When in doubt on matters relating to Bursa Securities, kindly contact the person listed under item 4 (c) (iii).
An employee who breaches the Policy may face the appropriate disciplinary action. A breach of the Policy may also result in the contravention or breach of certain securities laws and/or regulations.
If it is discovered that an employee has breached such securities laws, the Company may take such appropriate action, including referring the matter to the relevant regulatory authorities.
Approved on 25 August 2022